- brain-storming
- m; англ."мозговой штурм" | "мозговая атака"
Le dictionnaire commercial Français-Russe. - RUSSO . R. Giraud. 2002.
Le dictionnaire commercial Français-Russe. - RUSSO . R. Giraud. 2002.
brain storming — brain stor·ming loc.s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} metodo di ricerca di gruppo usato spec. in pubblicità per stimolare la produzione di idee creative, basato sulla libera esposizione di intuizioni, impressioni, ecc., da parte dei partecipanti… … Dizionario italiano
Brain-Storming — Brainstorming ist eine von Alex Osborn erfundene und von Charles Hutchison Clark weiterentwickelte Methode zur Ideenfindung, die die Erzeugung von neuen, ungewöhnlichen Ideen in einer Gruppe von Menschen fördern soll. Er benannte sie nach der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
brain-storming — (pron. bréin stòmin ) Dall inglese brain, cervello e storm, tempesta . Tecnica creativa seguita nelle grandi aziende moderne, consistente nel riunire un gruppo di persone (in genere da cinque a dodici), le quali, assistite da un moderatore e… … Dizionario dei Modi di Dire per ogni occasione
Brain-storming — Hjernestorm . Møde hvor deltagerne kommer frem med alle mulige ideer, hvorfra der eventuel kan opstå en eller flere virkelig gode ideer … Danske encyklopædi
brain storming — group whose job is to think of new ideas … English contemporary dictionary
brain-trust — [ brɛntrɶst ] n. m. • 1933; angl. amér. brain trust « trust du cerveau », nom donné à l équipe d intellectuels et de professeurs dont s entoura F. Roosevelt ♦ Anglic. Petite équipe d experts, de techniciens, etc., qui assiste une direction. Des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
brain-storm — {v.} To have a discussion among fellow researchers or co workers on a project in order to find the best solution to a given problem. * /Dr. Watson and his research assistants are brain storming in the conference room./ … Dictionary of American idioms
brain-storm — {v.} To have a discussion among fellow researchers or co workers on a project in order to find the best solution to a given problem. * /Dr. Watson and his research assistants are brain storming in the conference room./ … Dictionary of American idioms
brain-storm — v To have a discussion among fellow researchers or co workers on a project in order to find the best solution to a given problem. Dr. Watson and his research assistants are brain storming in the conference room … Словарь американских идиом
brain-storm v — Creative weather forecasters do a lot of brain storming … English expressions
brainstorming — [ brɛnstɔrmiŋ ] n. m. • 1958; mot angl. amér., littéralt « tempête (storming) des cerveaux (brain) » ♦ Anglic. Technique de recherche des idées employée dans une entreprise, réunion où chacun fournit ses suggestions pour résoudre un problème. Ils … Encyclopédie Universelle